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Layer-2 Switching

Layer-2 Switching             Layer-2 Switching ,donanım tabanlı bir filtreleme yöntemidir ve bu yöntemde trafiği filtrelemek için NIC kartlarının MAC adresleri…

2 gün ago

Trojan Nedir ?

TROJAN NEDİR? Trojan (Truva atı); iki kısımdan oluşan ve bilgisayarları uzaktan kumanda etme amacıyla yazılmış programlardır.Bu program sayesinde windows kullanmaya…

5 gün ago

Restore Selections for Exchange Mailboxes backed up utilizing Backup Exec 11d 7170 Granular Restore Technology (GRT) may not display all items

When an Exchange Information Store (IS) backup is performed with Backup Exec 11.0 utilizing the Granular Restore Technology (GRT), and…

2 hafta ago

How to Backup individual Exchange mailboxes and Public Folders in Backup Exec 11d for Windows Servers

In previous versions of Backup Exec, individual Exchange mailboxes were backed up separately from the Information Store so that individual…

2 hafta ago

How do companies organize their ERP projects?

Based on our observations, there are three commonly used ways of installing ERP. The Big Bang—In this, the most ambitious…

3 hafta ago

Why do ERP projects fail so often?

At its simplest level, ERP is a set of best practices for performing the various duties in the departments of…

3 hafta ago

What are the hidden costs of ERP?

Although different companies will find different land mines in the budgeting process, those who have implemented ERP packages agree that…

3 hafta ago

What does ERP really cost?

There aren’t any good numbers to predict ERP costs because the software installation has so many variables, such as: the…

3 hafta ago

Will ERP fit the ways I do business?

Before the checks are signed and the implementation begins, it’s critical for companies to figure out if their ways of…

3 hafta ago

What will ERP fix in my business?

Integrate financial information—; As the CEO tries to understand the company’s overall performance, he may find many different versions of…

3 hafta ago