A wide-area network (WAN) is a data communications network that connects user networks over a large geographical area. WANs have several important characteristics that distinguish them from LANs. The first lesson in this module will provide an overview of WAN technologies and protocols. It will also explain how WANs and LANs are different, and ways in which they are similar.

It is important to understand the physical layer components of a router. This knowledge builds a foundation for other information and skills that are needed to configure routers and manage routed networks. This module provides a close examination of the internal and external physical components of the router. The module also describes techniques for physically connecting the various router interfaces.

This module covers some of the objectives for the CCNA 640-801, INTRO 640-821, and ICND 640-811 exams. 

Students who complete this module should be able to perform the following tasks: 

  • Identify organizations responsible for WAN standards
  • Explain the difference between a WAN and LAN and the type of standards and protocols each uses
  • Describe the role of a router in a WAN
  • Identify internal components of the router and describe their functions
  • Describe the physical characteristics of the router
  • Identify LAN and management ports on a router
  • Properly connect Ethernet, serial WAN, and console ports

Kaynak: Cisco Curr. v3.1


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