15 Belge Universite Ders Notlari

Reading Skills/Homework

1)According to the cooper what are the advantages/disadvantages of homework? Advantages: -improvoments in factual knowledge -understanding -concept formation community -attitudes -self dicipline -problem solving -academic achievements Disadvanteges -Loss of interest in academic materials -physical and emotional fatigue -denial of access to leasure time and activities -parental interference -cheating -increased difference between high and low achievers…

Reading Skills/Observation

WHY Is OBSERVATION IMPORTANT? Observation is commonly used in education as a tool to support understanding and development.It is one of two common ways of getting information which can help us make sense of: -educational situations -gauge the effectiveness of educational practice -plan attempts for improvements WHAT IS MEANT BY OBSERVATION? Observation doesnt just mean…

Yaratici Yontemler – 2

Yaratici yontemler; 1- Kapsamli dusunme; birden fazla yontem 2- Beyin firtinasi, ( A. OSBORN) grup calismasi 3- Kulucka yontemi; bir konu uzerinde uzunca calistiktan sonra dikkat baska bir konuya cevrilir. Kuluckaya yatirilan esas konuya donunce yaraticilikta sicrama soz konusu olabilir 4- Not alma yontemi; eskiz, karalama bir cok yaratici dusunce ya da bulus kagit uzerine…

Sanat Egitimi – 2

Kisaca Sanat Egitimi baskalariyla bulusma koprusudur. Sanat Egitimi amaclarina bir kere daha bakacak olursak; 1- Gorsel yolla algilamayi ogrenmek 2- Yaraticiligi gelistirmek 3- Sanatin anlasilmasini-paylasilmasini saglamak 4- Kendini ifade etme yetenegi kazandirmak 5- Endustriye hizmet etmek 6- Yasami degistirmek 7- Sanat Egitimi yoluyla dogru gorme, ayritinin ayirtina varmayi saglamak 8- Sanat Egitimi duygu ve dusuncenin…

Sanat – Bilim Egitimi ve Yaraticilik-1

Sanat – Bilim Egitimi ve Yaraticilik-1 Taninmis bir sanatcimizin ogrencilerine ait olan bir sergiye gitmistim. Odanin ortasinda kendi etrafimda donerek izlerken calismalari, birinin onunde duraladim. Resim, hocanin mi yoksa ogrencisinin mi diye bir turlu karar verememistim cunku. Sergiyi bekleyen bir hanim resme surekli baktigimi gorunce " o resim, hocanin en basarili ogrencisinin " dedi. Basariya…


Cizgi Sanatin cizgi ile basladigi bir gercektir. Bu nedenle sanat egitiminde cizgi cok onemli ve temeldir. Goz nesneyi gorurken el cizgiyi gerceklestirir. Onceleri yani cocuklukta hayal dunyasi, cizgi yoluyla disari vurulurken buyume surecinde dis dunya gercekligi de egitim baglaminda, cizgi ile ortaya konur. Nesneyi gorme bicimi, zaman icinde gorme aliskanligi gelistikce temel elemanlara indirgenmeye baslar.…

Review of Frequently used UNIX Commands

REVIEW OF FREQUENTLY USED UNIX COMMANDS GENERAL COMMAND SYNTAX: $ command –[options] <arguments> DISPLAYING CONTENTS OF A DIRECTORY: $ ls      (simple form) $ ls –l   (long form) $ ls –la  [long form and all files including hidden files. (hidden filenames begin with a dot)] DISPLAYING FILENAMES THAT HAVE COMMON START/END: $ ls –l chapter*  (shows…

1.1. The New Insecurity

Since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, computer security has taken on some new meanings. The first is positive. As part of a global tightening of belts and rolling up of sleeves, there emerged several outreaches designed to provide security training and certification to folks in all walks of life, from the consumer being… Information Sharing and Analysis Centers

Akin to CERTs, Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs) help develop and promulgate "best practices" for protecting critical infrastructures and minimizing vulnerabilities. Many industries have established ISACs to allow these critical sectors to share information and work together to help better protect the economy. In the United States, Presidential Directive Number 63 and the Patriot…