45 Belge İşletim Sistemleri

CobiT Nedir ?

CobIT Control Objectives for Information and related Technology kelimelerinin kisaltilmis halidir. kisaca bilgi teknolojileri yonetisimi icin sunulmus bir modeldir.  sanilanin aksine bir standart degil, bircok standarti ozumsemis, orneklemis, en iyi uygularina icerisine sindirmistir. CobIT  Is (Bussiness) i destekleyen bir aractir.  Is ve Bilgi teknolojileri yonetimi arasindaki kopru gorevini goren bir metodolojidir. CobIT kurum hedeflerine bilgi…

SharePoint sitesi oluşturmak

SharePoint sitesi oluşturmak için Alt site Oluşturma iznine sahip site grubunun üyesi olmanız gerekir. Bu izin, Tam Denetim izin düzeyinde varsayılan olarak bulunur. Gerekli izne sahip değilseniz, sunucu yöneticinize başvurun. Dosya menüsünde Yeni‘nin üzerine gelin ve Web Sitesi‘ni tıklatın. Yeni Web sitesinin konumunu belirt kutusuna site adıyla beraber yeni siteyi oluşturmak istediğiniz konumu yazın. Yeni…

Acil Durum Disketi Hazirlamak

NT’nin kuruluşu sırasında bir Acil Durum Disketi hazırlayıp hazırlamayacağımız sorulur. Bu soruya olumlu yanıt verip disketi hazırlamak yararınıza olacaktır. Eğer kuruluşu yaptıktaysanız de geç kalmış sayılmazsınız. Start menüsünden Run komutuyla ya da MS-DOS Prompt’tu yardımı ile RDISK komutunu verin.  RDISK komutuna parametre olarak /S’yi vermeyi unutmayın. Bu parametre kullanıcı bilgilerini de diskete kaydedebilmenizi sağlar.  …

Rights Management Servis (RMS)

The purpose of RMS is to provide security for sensitive company documents. RMS persistently encrypts information, so that as a file or email message is transmitted enterprise-wide, only individuals who are authenticated and explicitly authorized to access it can do so. RMS requires a server (Windows 2003 or later) with Windows Rights Management installed, a…

Bit Locker Drive Encryption

BitLocker drive encryption, which is only available in Windows Vista Enterprise and Ultimate editions, helps protect data on a client computer. When an attacker gains physical access to a computer, the potential consequences include: • The attacker can log on to Windows Vista and copy files. • The attacker can restart the client computer by…

Device Control

The threat of unauthorized use of USB key drives or other removable storage device installation on client computers creates significant security risks for many organizations. A malicious user can potentially use a removable storage device to steal a company’s intellectual property. An attacker could also use a removable storage device with malicious software configured on…

Encrypting File System EFS

The EFS feature, which encrypts files and folders to help protect data from unauthorized access, is similar to EFS in prior Windows operating systems. Users who have authorized keys are able to access and work with encrypted files just as they would with any other file. Unauthorized users are denied access. Windows Vista adds new…

Internet Explorer 7

No single application epitomises Microsoft’s past security failures than Internet Explorer (IE). With IE 7, Microsoft is attempting to improve IE’s image. IE 7 is available for Windows XP as well as Windows Vista, but certain IE 7 security features are available only with Windows Vista. New security technologies in IE 7 include: • Internet…

Windows Firewall

A personal firewall is a critical line of defense against attempted intrusions, malware infections, denial-of-service attacks, and other types of attacks. Like the firewall functionality in Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), the firewall in Windows Vista is enabled by default to help protect the user’s computer as soon as the operating system is started.…

Windows Defender

This program helps protect Windows Vista against pop-up ads, slow performance, and security threats due to spyware, adware, keyloggers and other unwanted software. Windows Defender monitors in real-time protected areas within the Windows Vista operating system that unwanted software targets, such as the Startup folder and Autorun entries in the registry. When a program tries…