The Gerund and The Infinitive

1. Bazı filler gerund alır;

Appreciate: takdir etm.

Avoid: kaçınmak,

Can’t help: kendini tutamamak

Can’t stand: tahammül edememek,

Dislike: don’t like

Enjoy: like

Continue: to go on

Finish: to end

Give up: vaz geçmek,

Imagine : gözünde canlanmak,

Look forward to: can atmak,

Mind: aldırmak, dikkat etm.

Object to: karşı çıkmak, itiraz etm.

Practise: pratik yapmak

Suggest: önermek, salık vermek,

To be / get Used to: alışkın olmak


Örnek Cümleler:

Our neighbour avoids playing music after midnight.

I couldn’t help my laughing when I saw his jacket

He had gave up smoking but he started smoking again.

She looks forward to going to University.

I am used to studying hard.


2. Bazı filler infinitive alır;

Afford: gücü yetmek, karşılama

Appear: görünmek,

Arrange: ayarlamak,

Decide: karar vermek,

Hope: ummak,

Intend: niyet etm,

Learn: öğrenme,

Manage: idare etm,

Hesitate: tereddüt etm.

Offer: teklif etm, sunmak

Plan: planlamak,

Prepare: hazırlama,

Promise: söz vermek,

Refuse: ret etmek,

seem: (gibi) görünmek,

Threaten: tehdit etm,

They will go to Honolulu, they have got money, they can afford to go there.

I decided to go to Izmir for a while.

She leaned to speak German.

We hesitated to believe in them.

Ali intended to migrate to USA.

John refused to help him.

Jane threatened to kill him.

3. To be fiili ile edat sonrası;

Afraid of: -den korkma

Bad at:            -de kötü olma,

Good at: – de iyi olmak,

Keen on: – ye meraklı olmak,

Bored with: -den sıkılmak,

Fed up with:- den bıkkın olmk.

Capable of: – e yatkın olmak,

Fond of: – e bayılmak,

Tired of: – den yorulmak

I am afraid of going home late,

I am bad at speaking French.

I am good at speaking English,

I am bored with doing the same things everyday.

I am fed up of helping him.

4. Fiil +edat+gerund;

Think of: -yi düşünmek

Object to:-ye karşı çıkmak

Insist on: – de ısrar etm,

Succeed in: – yi başarmak,

Apologise for: -için özür dilemek,

Talk about:- den konuşmak.

Complain about: – den şikayet etm.

Feel like: – gibi hissetmek


We  think of going home early,

I object to teaching French.

They  insist on speaking English,

I complain about doing the same things everyday.

We  talk about helping him.


5.Özne olarak Gerund ;

Getting a good grade makes me happy.


Playing Basketball is enjoyable.


Watching a horror film makes me frightened.

6. Fiil +nesne+infinitive;

allow: -ye izin vermek.

advise: tavsiye etmek

Invite: davet etmek

force: zorlamak

encourage: teşvik etmek

persuade:  ikna etmek

teach: öğretmek,

tell: söylemek, anlatmak

Warn: uyarmak,ikaz etmek,

Forbid: yasaklamak,

Remind: hatırlamak,

Expect: ummak,

We  advised them to go home early,

I didn’t allow Ayşe to teach French.

They  encouraged everybody to speak English,

I told them not to  do the same things everyday.

We  expected her to help Ali.

7. Kesin ifadelerle Gerund kullnımı;

İt is no good: -e iyi değil dir.

A waste of time/money: zaman / para hebası,

It is no use: -de faydası yok

Have difficulty: – de zorluğu olmak,

It is worth: -ye değer,

There is no point:- de yarar yok

It is no good inviting him here.

It is a waste of time talking to him again.

It is no use crying cos I won’t forgive you.

I have difficulty writing in English.

It is worth going Ankara and buying the furniture from there.

Gerund ve Infinitive ile kullnılan Fiiller

Remember: hatırlamak





I remember sending the letter.

I always remember to sent the letter.


They forgot sending the letter.

They forgot to send it.



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